
丸山 晃一(まるやま こういち)

  1. Akihisa Y, Maruyama K, Koyama Y, Yamada R, Ogura A, Andoh T. Comparison of intubation performance between the King Vision and Macintosh laryngoscopes in norvice personnel: a randomized, crossover manikin study. J Anesth 2013 Jun 30 [Epub ahead of print]
  2. Mieda T, Hayashida M, Maruyama K, Nakagawa H, Yoshikawa H, Terao K, Imanishi H, Ariyama J, Kitamura A. Pulmonary gas embolism as a potential cause of hypoxia immediately after cardiopulmonary bypass. J Cardiothorac Vas Anesth 2012 Jul 3. [Epub ahead of print]
  3. Akihisa Y, Maruyama K, Yamada R, Higashi T, Ogura A, Andoh T. Light emitted-diodes illuminant and a plastic single-use blade for intubation during CPR: An infant manikin study. Am J Emerg Med 2012 Mar; 30 (3):499-501
  4. Maruyama K, Mieda T, Nakagawa H, Kitamura A, Hayashida M. The effect of light-emitting diodes on intubation with Vital View plastic laryngoscope blade during a simulated resuscitation. Am J Emerg Med 2012 Jan; 30 (1):242-4.
  5. 丸山晃一 血液ガスと酸塩基平衡 Clinical Engineering 2011;21(4)318-325
  6. Maruyama K, Nakagawa H, Imanishi H, Kitamura A, Hayashida M. Comparison of postoperative pharyngeal morbidity using the Macintosh laryngoscope or AirWay Scope after mastectomy. J Anesth 2011
  7. 杉山美穂、丸山晃一、東 朋子、山田理恵子、秋久友希、安藤富男 留置針BDネクシーバの使用経験 臨床麻酔 2011 35(7) 1153-5
  8. Maruyama K, Tsukamoto S, Ohno S, Kobayashi K, Nakagawa H, Kitamura A, Hayashida M. Effect of cardiopulmonary resuscitation on intubation using a Macintosh laryngoscope, the AirWay Scope, and the gum elastic bougie: A manikin study. Resuscitation. 81(8):1014-8 2010.
  9. Azuma K, Maruyama K, Imanishi H, Nakagawa H, Kitamura A, Hayashida M. Difficult management of anticoagulation with argatroban in a patient undergoing on-pump cardiac surgery. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 24(5):831-3 2010.
  10. Maruyama K, Nishikawa Y, Nakagawa H, Ariyama J, Kitamura A, Hayashida M. Can intravenous atropine prevent bradycardia and hypotension during induction of total intravenous anesthesia with propofol and remifentanil ? J Anesth 24(2):293-6 2010
  11. Imanishi H, Kitamura A, Maruyama K, Ariyama J, Nakagawa H, Nishibe S, Hayashida M, Usuda Y. Suspected recurrent anaphylaxis in different forms during general anesthesia. J Anesth 24(1):143-5 2010
  12. 丸山 晃一 挿管困難症を克服するために ~ソフトとハードの両面から~ 帝京医学雑誌 33(5):255-65 2010
  13. 丸山 晃一、磨田 裕 ARDSの重症化を防ぐ「気付き力」 呼吸器ケア 8(6)20-4 2010..
  14. Tsukamoto S, Maruyama K, Nakagawa H, Iwase Y, Kitamura A, Hayashida M. Fatal hyperkalemia due to rapid red cell transfusion in a critically ill patient. J Nippon Med Sch. 76(5):258-64 2009
  15. Maruyama K, Yamada T, Hara K, Nakagawa H, Kitamura A. Tracheal intubation using an AirWay Scope in a patient with Halo-Vest Fixation for upper cervical spine injury. Br J Anaesth. 102(4):565-6 2009.
  16. 林田 眞和、丸山 晃一 術後痛-術後痛の強さとオピオイド必要量の多様性をいかに克服するか- 麻酔58:1086-92 2009.
  17. Maruyama K, Yamada T, Kawakami R, Hara K. Randomized crossover comparison of cervical spine motion with use of the AirWay Scope and Macintosh laryngoscope with in-line stabilization: a video-fluoroscopic study Br J Anaesth. 101(4):563-7 2008.
  18. Maruayama K, Yamada T, Kawakami R, Kamata T, Yokochi M, Hara K. Upper cervical spine movement during intubation: fluoroscopic comparison of the AirWay Scope, McCoy laryngoscope, and Macintosh laryngoscope. Br J Anaesth. 100(1):120-4 2008
  19. 横地 恵、鎌田 孝広、峯村 俊一、丸山 晃一、原 克実 挿管困難が予測された開口困難を伴う下顎骨骨折に対しエアウェイスコープを用いた1症例 日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌 35(2):229-31 2007.
  20. Maruyama K, Yamada T, Hara K. Effect of clonidine premedication on postoperative sore throat and hoarseness after total intravenous anesthesia. J Anesth 20(4):327-30 2006.
  21. Hara K, Maruyama K. Effect of additives in lidocaine spray on postoperative sore throat, hoarseness and dysphagia after total intravenous anaesthesia. Acta Anaesth Scand. 49(4):463-7 2005.
  22. Iinuma Y, Maruyama K, Hara K. Complete atrioventricular block during anesthesia in a patient with sick sinus syndrome under atrial pacing. J Anesth. 19(1):92 2005
  23. 鎌田 孝広、飯島 響、峯村 俊一、丸山 晃一、原 克実 術前たこつぼ型心筋症と診断された患者に対する気管切開の麻酔経験 日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌 33(5): 724-5 2005..
  24. 宮澤 秀樹、峯村 俊一、丸山 晃一、原 克実 小児頸部リンパ管腫の硬化療法に対する周術期管理経験 日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌 33(3): 445-446 2005.
  25. Maruyama K, Sakai H, Miyazawa H, Iijima K, Toda N, Kawahara S, Hara K. Laryngotracheal application of lidocaine spray increases the incidence of postoperative sore throat after total intravenous anesthesia. J Anesth. 18(4):237-40 2004.
  26. Maruyama K*, Hara K. Accidental propofol infusion from a prefilled propofol syringe. Br J Anaesth. 92(9): 479-80 2004.
  27. Maruyama K*, Takeda S, Hongo T, Kobayashi N, Kim C, Ogawa R. Oral clonidine premedication exacerbates hypotension following tourniquet deflation by inhibiting noradrenaline release. J Nippon Med Sch. 71(1): 44-50 2004.
  28. Maruyama K*, Sakai H, Miyazawa H, Toda N, Iinuma Y, Mochizuki N, Hara K, Otagiri T. Sore throat and hoarseness after total intravenous anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth. 92(4):541-3 2004.
  29. 酒井 洋徳、 丸山 晃一、 宮澤 英樹、 峯村 俊一、 原 克実  リドカイン含有ゼリーまたはリドカイン非含有ゼリーが全静脈麻酔後の嗄声・咽頭痛に及ぼす影響 日本歯科麻酔学会誌. 32(5): 597-601 2004.
  30. 望月 憲招、丸山 晃一、原 克実、小田切 徹太郎  麻酔業務量の適切な評価の試み 麻酔 53(4)422-8 2004.
  31. Maruyama K*, Mochizuki N, Hara K. High-degree atrioventricular block after the administration of atropine for sinus arrest during anesthesia. Can J Anaesth. 50(5): 528-9 2003.
  32. Maruyama K*, Takeda S, Hongo T, Kobayashi N, Ogawa R. The effect of oral clonidine premedication on lumbar cerebrospinal fluid pressure in humans. J Nippon Med Sch. 67(6): 429-33 2000
  33. 遠藤 正宏、丸山 晃一、大越 麻里子、関根 泰、浜本 鉄也  人工骨頭置換術後に重篤な肺水腫をきたした1症例 臨床麻酔 24(5)821-4 2000
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